Friday, September 09, 2005

I Can Take Up To 319 Pictures

I love the internet. And I'll tell you why. Our digital camera of 2 1/2 years has been giving us problems, most notably the flash not working the day of Elizabeth's wedding. The WHOLE family was dressed up, and not one picture turned out. Very frustrating. We've already replaced the flash once, and we never know when it's going to work. Instead of replacing the flash again, we decided to purchase a new camera. This time we decided on an upgrade to our current little camera. We opted for the Kodak Z740 and shopped around through the Sunday ads and the internet. We decided to go to Best Buy (the actual store) and see what their sale price was, as they did not list it in their circular. It wasn't as low as we hoped and decided to see if we could get the salespeople there to give us a better price. Brendan and I are not hagglers, it makes us uncomfortable. But, after reading Reader's Digest articles about how to save money and watching Dr. Phil episodes about not paying retail, we decided to give it a try. It was a no go.

So, we went home and again researched our options on the web. After factoring in shipping and handling and the cost of a memory card, we chose to use to order our camera. Their initial price on the camera was not the cheapest out on the web, but they offered free shipping and the best prices on memory cards. When all was said and done we bought the camera and the 512 MB memory card for about $5 more than the Best Buy sale price on just the camera! That didn't even include the sales tax at Best Buy, and there was a $10 mail in rebate on the memory card at, making the actual cost of everything less than the cost of the camera at Best Buy. Incredible!

The free shipping option said our camera would arrive in 8-10 days. We ordered on Sunday and recieved the camera yesterday. That makes it a four day delivery from time of order until receipt of product. With free shipping. It doesn't get much better than this!

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