Monday, March 17, 2008

Fun Monday

Our host for this week is Nikki over at My Husband Calls Me Weird.

Our assignment: I don't know about you, but my family is great at creating strange words that only we know the meaning. Some were created when the kids were first learning to talk, others came about when our tongues were twisted and the word came out funny. Either way, the words stuck and we still use them in our daily conversations. What created words does your family use?! Please share the story behind the word if you remember. If you don't have a made up word then tell us about the unspoken way you communicate with someone. Do you and your significant other have a look that means "This party is boring, lets split" or do you have a look that your kids know means their butt is in serious trouble? Please share!! And a picture of the look would be very entertaining!

So here are my entries:

1. Shalilla Wipers - when my son was little he called anything vanilla "Shalilla", the wipers part is for wafers - therefore vanilla wafers

2. You Missed It! - okay, this really isn;t a made up word, but my family uses it all the time, with emphasis on the You and Missed. My middle daughter would often point things out while we were driving, and if we didn't see it, she would inevitably tell us, "YOu MISSED it!" We now use it for all the time when someone misses something or doesn't get something.

3. Misappear - Again, from my son. When things went missing, when a character wasn't on the TV screen, when Uncle Kevin does magic tricks, things misappear - meaning disappear

4. Passamasquawtee - this isn't one that I actually use, but my husband and his siblings use it. It means F*ck You. Their family is Irish, and they had learned the gaelic "Pog mo thoin" which means "kiss my ass." They couldn't remember it, though, and while trying to they came up wth this word. Now if one of them says "Pog mo thoin," the other responds, "Passamasquawtee."

5. I was over reading Mariposa's Fun Monday entry and it reminded me of one more word. When I was little I had an Uncle Ed. For some reason when I said his name it came out "Honky Ed." To this day he still greets me as "Honky Heather" and he's still my "Honky Ed."

And there you have it!


  1. Misappear is so cute! And you can say dic-tar. Giggling afterwards is half the fun!

    Thanks for playing.

  2. Passamasquawtee - I NEED to teach that one to my son!

  3. Misappear...close to my son's "cinsappear"!

    The passamasquwatee thing is a hoot! I tried to learn Gaelic ain't easy! I probably would've came up with something like that, too.

  4. I might have to misappropriate misappear.

  5. Lol! I can't even say it let alone remember it!!

  6. Oh how I'd love to be insulted in Gaelic! Wouldn't make me nearly as mad!

  7. those are great Heather..I especially like passamasquawtee!!!

  8. Honky Ed cracked me up. That is hysterical!

  9. "What the passamasquawtee" just does have the same ring but it is funny and it is unlikely that you could stay mad say that mouthful.

    Thanks for the FUN

  10. These are all great!! The honkey did me in though!!

  11. I like your word better. Passa. . . now if I could figure out how to say it. :) The misappear makes me think of my son's bemember (remember).

  12. Will I ever look at a bos of Nilla Wafers with out thinking Shalilla Wipers? That was just too cute.


  13. Passamasquawtee - I need to use that one, so that my foul mouth isn't as noticeable!
    And I'm with sayre - I need to teach the kid that one, too.


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