Monday, May 19, 2008

Cookbook Heaven

I have to come clean. I have an addiction. I am addicted to cookbooks. I love them. I love them a lot. I have an entire shelf of my kitchen devoted to my cookbooks (and one of my daughter's, but I digress.) I also have several cookbooks down in my basement, as well as too many cooking magazines to count.

While I have given up all but one of my subscriptions to these magazines, and I only have one cookbook left on my wishlist, I still love to sit and pore over a new cookbook. On those rare occasions when Brendan and I end up in a bookstore, I invariably gravitate to the cookbook shelf. I spend hours looking up recipes on the internet, and I have a folder bursting at the seams with printed recipes to try.

I can't help myself.

Then as I was searching pictures of cakes online I came across a great little blog of a woman who has started a cake business for herself. Her cakes are beautiful, mine don't even come close to comparing. But, she mentioned something about how she went to the library and checked out every book she could on cake making and decorating.

Then the light bulb went on in my head. (It never occurred to me before, despite the fact that I'm at the library every week getting books for my kids and dvd's for my husband and I to watch.) I can get any number of cookbooks out of the library. Cookbooks all about casseroles, muffins, or appetizers. They have so many, and if they don't, I can request it from another library and still pick it up in mine. I am in cookbook heaven. I currently have seven cookbooks checked out. It doesn't matter that I can't possibly read everything these books have to offer. I probably will only make a few of the recipes. But oh, the possibilities. And the looking. And the planning. Why did I never think of this before?

1 comment:

  1. Oh (sigh), cookbooks are so lovely. I love to read recipe after recipe.


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