Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fun Monday

Well, I've been away from Fun Monday for quite some time now, but I'm back! Our hostess, Rayne, over at Crunchy Bits gives us the following assignment:

Almost everyone I know keeps things that others would consider junk. Twist ties, used wrapping paper, etc. What thing or things do you hang on to, and why?
Or, if you are one of those super organized and practical people and don't hang on to things like that, do you have a collection that you would like to share with us?

I had to think awhile for this one. After all, everything I keep is important, right? But as the week went by, I came up with a few things that I keep that probably drive my neatnik husband crazy, but I do have my reasons!

1. I have a plastic box filled with pantyhose and tights. I no longer wear them in the warmer months, but I will occasionally wear them in the many cold months we have here in Illinois. I have a hard time getting rid of any of them unless they are terribly holey (yes, I keep some with holes, depending on the location of the hole(s).) I even keep colors that I will probably never wear, because there may be that one time that burgundy tights are necessary and I would kick myself for throwing them out for no good reason other than the fact that they are burgundy colored.

2. I keep almost all sizes of scraps from stamping and scrapbooking. This is just one of the folders filled with pieces of cardstock and designer paper pieces. I have at least two more.

3. This empty perfume bottle. I got it (full, of course) when I was a little girl and we went to Wales on vacation. My parents bought it for me because of the name on the bottle, "Welsh Heather" I still can smell it a little bit if I sniff the top of the bottle.

4. I keep these pop tabs for a neighbor girl who is collecting them for the Ronald McDonald house. As soon as the baggy gets decently full, I give them to her and start a new baggy for them.

Well, those are a few of the things I keep around my house. Go check out everyone else's junk stuff!


  1. I just threw away all my old pantyhose etc. the other day. I haven't worn them in years.

    Isn't that odd that you save them, too.

  2. LOL! Why do we hold on to our old tights?? Must be a hormone thing

  3. "....depending on the location of the holes...." Too much to handle this morning. I wouldn't comment on that line to save my butt. Ooops...holes, in the butt? Okay...promise I won't go any further.

    Have a terrific Fun Monday. If you haven't visited my post, do drop by sometime! I love to have company you know.

  4. I use to have a collection of tights. Sometimes I wish I still had them. Kicking myself.

  5. Love everything except the pantyhose! Girl, go throw them out. Take a deep breath and pitch them! We are all here to support you ;0)

  6. I bet there are a lot of tights lurking (I know I have two plastic bags full and haven't worn the thick ones for yrs but I keep them just in case). Ring pulls used to be a popular charity saving but I haven't come across anyone doing it here recently.

  7. tights!!! old (washed) pairs are used for cleaning the windows/shower glass/mirrors and to dry out daff bulbs

  8. The perfume bottle sounds like a perfect keepsake. I love that the scent still lingers.
    I keep all of my pantyhose and tights, too and now I have a really good excuse. I may not have anything to match the color of a particular set any more, but chances are one of my daughters do. See? I just can't throw them out, now. My children may need them some day. :)

  9. I love your perfume bottle.

    I abhor pantyhose and stopped wearing them long before it became fashionable to not wear them!!

  10. I don't think I've put on a pair of pantyhose in at least 15 years. And I just threw mine away this past January.

  11. OMG...I SO KEEP HOLEY PANTYHOSE! And yes, the location of the hole is important. I almost NEVER keep them if the hole is in the feet - too annoying. Crotch holes are totally acceptable. And now I can't believe I just told the internet that.

  12. Those old pantyhose are actually very useful. I use my wife's to stop lint from blocking the drain for the laundry tub., you just cut them up and tie them over the outlet hose of the washing machine.

  13. Hmn, in my need to not keep keep all, I threw away many folders with scrapbook/stamping scraps. I don't regret it since I don't get to stamp much anymore.

    I don't think the perfume bottle is junk, that has sentimental value.

    Happy Monday!

  14. You are as I was at least concerning the panties and stuff ! I also kept everything in case ... I would need it. Now I throw everything away or give it away, there is such a lot of cheap new stuff around, lol !

  15. Pantyhose with holes are the best because you don't have to worry about getting a hole in them!

  16. Hi again...
    I'm wondering since I read in Rayne's comments from Fun Monday yesterday if you're going to be the hostess for next week? since you volunteered.


  17. I kept my pantyhose for a long time after I quit wearing them. :) If I needed some now though I'd have to buy some new ones and that would suck.

    I never knew the pop tabs had a use. But I don't really like cans. I'm weird I know but it seems that the soda from a can tastes tinny.

  18. I'm not sure about who you contact for hosting Fun Monday, the week before you host, the hostess/host of THAT week, usually has who's hosting for the next week.

    Lisa, at Lisa's Chaos my know. Try leaving a comment in her blog or if she has an email check with her.

  19. Ohmygosh … methinks we might be ‘sisters separated at birth’ … I didn’t even THINK of the ‘leggings’ I’ve got tucked away in a drawer and haven’t looked at in a decade or so, but even though you’ve elicited this memory … I suspect they’ll remain where they are indefinitely.

    Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections this morning. I’m sorry to ‘pass the proverbial buck’ but I have no clue because I’m pretty new to Fun Monday myself. I suspect Chris at Ms Cellania or Robin at Pensieve might know the answer to your question …
    Hugs and blessings,

  20. I didn't do this Fun Monday, but as soon as I read it I thought "Oh, I would have shown my left over paper from stamping and scrapping!" How funny that you had that there as well.

  21. Interesting list!!

    On another note, I did not know that preschools had physicals?

  22. I use lots of old pantyhose and tights, with and without runs for costumes. If you or someone else have some that would otherwise end up in the trash, I could use them. My address is dlogan12 at gmx dot com

  23. If any of you have a bag of nylons that you don't want, don't toss them! We use them for crafts, and will pay for shipping. If it is ok to post our address, you can contact us at recycledcrafts at live dot com. Thanks!


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