Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun Monday - Purse Edition

This week our Fun Monday hostess is Church Lady over in PA and her assignment is to post a picture of our purse and describe the contents kept within the purse. Little did I know that our pictures would be VERY similar!

This is my purse I've been carrying for quite some time now. It was a gift from my awesome sister-in-law and I love how bright and fun it is.

The inside contents are pretty much what are always in my purse, although I usually have mints, which are absent right now from the inside. Here's a pic:

So lets see: There is a cell phone, a baggie with Tylenol, my son's prayer book, my sons spare pair of glasses, a pay stub from a parking spot at the train station,two post-it note pads, my wallet, the post card with the eye doctor's new address on it, tissues, my van insurance card, old move stubs and a movie coupon, two packs of gum for the kids, 6 pens, antibacterial hand lotion, coupons, my coupon organizer, old grocery lists, old receipts from Meijer and Menards, an expired Children's Place coupon, a reusable bag, my periodontist appointment card, a Fannie Mae gift card, my two PADS assignment tags, and crackers.

Now that that is done, I need to go and clean my purse! Go check out everyone else's purse!


  1. Thats n the church lady have the same purse. Boy, you can tell you have kids by the contents, isnt it funny how the kids hand us stuff n we automately place it in our purse. Happy FM :~)

  2. That's a deep pocketbook. I hope you have a flashlight to find items way at the bottom.

  3. Oh my! LOL. I really do love that purse! I just knew we had a alot in common. I have one question for you....six pens? I know, you keep them handy for the kids, right? Thanks for sharing.

  4. This Fun Monday is a great excuse to clean out our purses!!!!

    Isn't it amazing how much stuff we find "necessary" and carry around with us all the time? There are days when I'd love to be a guy and fit everything into a wallet and keys in the other pocket.

  5. Yep. I KNEW it! I knew your purse would be mommy-themed in its contents as well!!

  6. Now, that is VERY attractive. I love the colors.

  7. wow! interesting, yep, I thought the purse looked familiar. I like it, it's cute funny how we have so many pens and when someone asks me for a pen, I happen to be carrying the diaper bag which never has a pen - grace

  8. Another Vera B fan? when I was working I carried the same purse/tote in the coffee paisley. Liked that it didn't have a lot of compartments. You obviously have your own way of organizing. As you say, a mommy's purse has to be very adaptible!

    Nice to hear from you--hope all is well with you and your family.

  9. I always used to be impressed that my Mom could pull amazing things out of her purse - sort of like a magician. Now I know that all moms can do it.

  10. I had sticky pads in my purse too and they hid from me when I dumped to take the photo.

    I'd trade you for that purse -- I've never carried anything but solid color. I think its time for a new look.

  11. Im seeing double! LOL! It is a lovely purse though I can see why its popular. I love the colours!

  12. That is a gorgeous purse! It reminds me of Church Lady's. And heehee, I see I'm not the only one who has lots of expired coupons around the place...and I see you are also a fellow carrier of lots of pens :-) Belated happy FM to you!

  13. I thought I'd seen that design before and I love it. Ideal for holding all the essentials.

  14. I love your purse...the color is so pretty! And yes, having a kid or two can DEFINITELY change the purse contents.

  15. I LOVE your purse! :o)

    Hope summer is treating you well!


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