1) Your job this week is to go out and perform a random act of kindness. Now, before you freak out, please read on. This is actually really easy!! This act may be for someone you know or for a perfect stranger. It can be big or small, it'll all up to you. Obviously, it should be something within your means. For instance, don't go out and buy your next door neighbor a car and then complain to me that you can't make your mortgage payment, ok?
I am in a wonderful Bible Study group with an amazing group of ten women. We've been meeting for three years now, and while some members have left and new ones have come, the character of the group has never changed. Amazing women all trying to live and grow through Christ's love. It is through this group that I have gotten to participate in many random acts of kindness.
This past week, as a group, we adopted a family from our church who will not be able to have a regular Christmas due to financial difficulties. They are a family of seven and we each chose one of the family members and bought a present for them. (I got the four year old girl and bought her a double stroller with two baby dolls). We also all provided two food items and towards their Christmas main course (turkey, ham or whatever they decide) that will be turned into a gift card for their local grocery store so they can buy what they would like. I gave two cans of green beans and peach pie filling. I love that we can do this as a group because within our group of women there are a few who cannot afford much and would not be able to adopt a family on their own. But by going together, we can provide a really nice Christmas for a family who might otherwise not be able to have food, let alone gifts, and we all can do what we are able to afford. It is all done confidentially, and we do not know who the family is. We do know that this Christmas they will have a good meal to share and presents to open.

Now go visit Mommy Wizdom and read about everyone else's RAKs.
You sound like a very kind hearted person Heather! I hope the rest of that family get such nice presents too from the other members of your group! Hugs and blessings to you! I hope you have a wonderful xmas as well!
I actually hosted this same theme over a year and a half ago. Great RAK. Helps spread the holiday spirit too.
How kind of your family! We also are sponsoring a family anonymously this season. My kids get so excited about it every year!
What a heart warming story, that family will surely know that this Christmas, they have a group of Angels watching over them. God Bless you all.
In order Heather! I've been studying the Chex Mix recipe and am so glad I waited until reading your post to make it. I'm going to try your version as well as traditional.
A double stroller with babes--what a great gift for a little four year old--a ready made family. I love the way your women's group pooled your resources to help this family. Now on Christmas day you can think of one family being able to enjoy a good dinner. Hope the "twins" get to roll up to the table as well!
How awesome! I love that you went caroling in your neighborhood. It's fun to surprise people with song!
Thanks for participating!
It is so nice to have a church family that you love to do things with and for! Good for you!
I wish someone would come carol at my house! I'm sure your neighbors appreciate what you did, as will the family you 'adopted.'
"each according to their gifts" I would say your gift is for organizing! What a great thing to organize, too!
That's a very good act of kindness to take care of a poor family so that they can celebrate Christmas decently !
Ah, caroling! I haven't done that ini ages.
wonderful acts of kindness...I wish we lived closer together, I think we would get along perfectly!!
How awesome! I love helping out families! And I bet that little girl is going to be thrilled with her stroller and babies! :o)
Excellent! It shows how warm your heart is.
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